First update

We are a small group of Mount Alexander locals, engaging with community to increase understanding of council, amplify community voices and to encourage people to run for council in the October elections.
We have no funding, no political alignment or policies we want to push. (We are exploring with the Mount Alexander Shire Council on whether they can partner with us on some of this, so if they can - will let you know!)
We think Mt Alexander is a pretty awesome community, with some of the most diversity in any regional area. We believe that diversity makes us stronger and old and new together makes us better. We believe we need to meet everyone's needs, not just the loudest.
What are we doing?
Hosting local conversations and survey [link] to understand:
- What do people love about Mount Alexander Shire and where you live?
- What (if anything) they want to change?
- What people want in their local Council representatives?
We are starting these in Wesley Hill, Maldon and Castlemaine over the next couple of months.
- Publishing information (see website) on the Council elections, and how to get involved
- We will be co-hosting an event on better understanding Council and why it matters at the Taproom in June
- Supporting local communities to identify and support candidates in their ward.
What do we want to achieve?
This year we would like to:
- Increase the number of community members who feel more connected to the Council understanding what Council and who is standing.
- Identify and support candidates who are well connected with their local communities running in every ward
- As much as possible, minimise the number of wards in Mount Alexander Shire that are elected unopposed in the October election
In the longer term… who knows? There’s lots we can do to make sure our democracy works keeps working for us all, and ensure we continue to have a community that can work well together.
How can I get involved?
Your involvement can be big or small. We are all busy, and this needs to work with all of us.
So we'd be open to anyone who wants to get involved however you think you can help.
Share our content, come to events, tell people about the elections.
Or just get in touch.